31 Day Challenge Coming Up!

It was only a week or so ago that I said I was planning to create more of a routine for my blogging. Plan interrupted when I remembered that September is the "official" month to do the 31 Day Challenge!
I have done the challenge 3 times before, twice at a slowish pace posting 3-4 times per week (2013 and 2014) and once, last year, at full pace posting daily. I don't know what came over me then but I really enjoyed the frenzy of it all. I don't know yet if I will be able to repeat the achievement but not much longer til we will know ^-^.

I'd love to know who else is joining this year! I know Ina of My Nail Polish Online is participating, she even posted some handy tips about preparing for the challenge. I'd consider myself fairly unprepared at the moment, I have about 3 manicures in my computer that haven't been posted...

Challenge prompt credit to Chalkboard Nail, more info and FAQ about the challenge at her blog.


  1. Jag ser verkligen fram emot dina manikyrer <3

  2. Jag tänkte också hitta tillbaka till en bloggtakt. Också hände detta.. alltså september och 31dc. XD Så jag ska vara med, och hoppas köra dagligen (har dock förberett lite nu i veckan. (speciellt i och med att jag är helupptagen nästa vecka tex) Ska bli kul att se vad du hittar på. ^^


I really appreciate all comments and feedback received. If you feel like it, do leave a comment :)