31 Day Challenge 2016: Day 14, Flower Nails

Remember my day 3 yellow nails inspired by sunflowers?
Today I have lavender nails which will also come with a travel anecdote. Every year I would go for a vacation with my parents and my sister somewhere in Europe. Last year I pushed hard for southern France, wanting to go to Provence to see the blooming lavender fields. Family agreed and we planned a trip in mid-July with an itinerary that would ensure we had plenty of opportunity to see the fields.

After arriving in Nice and picking up a rental car we drove north into the countryside. After some hours we stopped in a small town for lunch and also entered their tourist information. Guess what? The lavender had all been harvested the previous week! Facepalm is the best way to describe that turn of events I believe. The vacation ended up being really nice all the same but I think we all regret not getting to see the blooming lavender fields of Provence...

Polishes used: OPI My Vampire is Buff and OPI Panda-Monium Pink. The flowers are painted with acrylic paint

PÃ¥ svenska:
Kommer du ihåg mina gula solrosor från utmaningens dag 3? Idag har jag lavendelinspirerade naglar som också kommer med en reseanekdot. Varje år åker jag med mina föräldrar och syster någonstans i Europa på semester. Förra året promotade jag Provence hårt då jag väldigt gärna ville se de blommande lavendelfälten. Familjen köpte argumenten och vi planerade således en resa i mitten på juli med en rutt som skulle inbegripa massa möjligheter att se detta.

Efter att ha ankommit i Nice och hämtat upp en hyrbil åkte vi norrut ut på landsbygden. Efter några timmar stannade vi i en liten stad för att äta lunch och passade också på att gå in på en turistbyrå. Gissa vad? Lavendeln hade skördats förra veckan! Facepalm känns som ett lämpligt sätt att beskriva den händelseutvecklingen. Semestern var ändå fantastiskt fin och det var roligt att se den franska landsbygden men jag tror nog att vi alla ångrar att vi inte fick se de blommande lavendelfälten i Provence...


  1. Ahahah ! You're definitely unlucky with flowers ...
    By the way, I thought about your sunflower story this evening. I was walking in my neibourghood and some people planted sunflowers in the street. They were huge ! But only one of them was pretty, the other ones looked like they were dying ... I'll try to take a picture for you next time I pass by :)

    1. I know! At least with the sun flowers I think it's not unlikely I will see more fields in the future since they are quite common in central Europe, but the lavender is not as widespread meaning you kind of have to go to Provence and rent a car..
      Sunflowers kind of have that ugly-pretty thing going on dont they? Pretty from afar but a little too big when you get close!

  2. And by the way, I like these lavender nails ^^

  3. So lovely! The lavender is blooming right now where I live and is always such a lovely sight! I love the soft gradient under the lavender blooms on your nails.

    1. Thank you! It's such a gorgeous colour to see in the fields/plantations. And the smell is really nice too!

  4. Men vilken blåsning!:( trist när man ställt in sig på nåt och så missar man det precis. Men naglarna blev jättefina iaf:)

  5. These are beautiful. I love how fine the little brush strokes are. Gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! I was surprised it turned out this well honestly :|

  6. Manikyren blev jättefin i alla fall <3


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